Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease confirmed in NEW MEXICO.


Cases of Rabbit Hemorrhagic disease have been officially confirmed by Veterinarians in New Mexico. Please be aware of this if you are hiking or participating in any other outdoor activities in and around rabbit habitats.

Please feel free to email or call Dr. Harwell with any concerns. In the meantime, please be wary of any rabbit carcasses you find while outdoors. This includes those in and around your property. Report them to animal control so that we can keep an eye on the spread of this disease. Any domestic rabbit owners with pets or meat animals exhibiting signs of this disease are encouraged to contact their local veterinarian immediately. Please understand that while many consider rabbits to be vermin, they are important members of our local ecosystems and provide a ready food supply for carnivores, like coyotes, which then turn to other food sources (such as domestic pets).


A Message From the NM State Veterinarian


Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease in Texas